
Showing posts from November, 2022

Vistas of Evolution

At the turn of the 19th century, when the world had just woken up to the marvels of science and had begun its slow march towards Industrialization, a Young Naturalist, Charles Darwin put forth his findings and theory of evolution. It was a perfect disruption in the conservative religious order of the world. Many thought that it would settle the debate on Atheism Vs Theism forever. Only they were naïve.   Organized Religion survived for centuries, by bending the tide to its advantage. Whenever there was a new milestone that moved the journey of science forward, it rewrote its tenets as a distortion on science. The sole aim was to maintain the power it had on the humans. However, what Darwin did is, to open up a vista that brought forth fascinating thoughts, findings and development, not just in general science but also in Human History, Politics and even theology to certain extent. It practically influenced and changed every aspect of human life.   The more the science revealed, the shr