Choosing Compassion over propaganda
Today Kashmiri Pandits are in the crossfire of the National Political battlefield, becoming the subject of Electoral fortunes. The government and its right-wing propaganda mills have started grinding them suddenly after eight years of just making cosmetic noises. Today it is the fodder for ultra nationalist fervour, like many others before it. The Left is also briskly shooting from the hip trying to reduce the issue to a minor statistical detail, to suit its narrative and broad brushing of the issue. Between these two sides, the issue, and the plight of the Kashmiri Pandits are being torn like a rag between the mouths of rabid dogs, without any empathy or kindness that it requires. Unfortunately, masses on either side of the divide, are fed on steroids of social media with little patience to do real reading and informed decisions... While the issue is very complex and solution is nowhere near the horizon, it is important to first listen to the Kashmiri Pandit view of their issue withou...