
Showing posts with the label Godse

The Murderer, The Monarch and The Fakir

The death anniversary of Gandhi is finally done for this year. All the posts that sang his praise on the 30th are now laid to rest. All those saffron ‘Desh Bhakths’ have sung a customary hymn for him & moved on with a huge Sigh of relief. They now would go back to collude their ways with the Killers of Gandhi and pretend it is just like any other death of old men, not an heinous murder and act of terror it really is. They rest in the thought that their numbers have grown and only little more time needed before they can give the final burial to his memories and dreams, like they did for his mortal remains 74 years back. So it becomes all the more important that we do not just talk about Gandhi on his birthday or anniversary, but every day to remind that the murder of that man was not like just any other murder, but an attack on the soul of India that was built over the years fighting against oppressors and on a nation that was forged in the fire of sacrifice. A fire and dream so pow