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A walk in the arcane world

"It would be remiss not to mention the spectre of Karl Marx" Yanis says thanking his influencers in the foreword of the book. That is an interesting way to refer to the legacy of Karl Marx as a 'Specter' coming from a close compatriot of Bernie Sanders and an evolved Marxist himself. For some one who is getting into understanding the current economics with very little understanding of nuts and bolts of it, particularly a techie like me who never had to wade through the maze of its bewildering web, this is book is a nice reckoner. I have read an historical writing on Money by Yuval Harari which was very engaging read, but had lost the way when it meandered into the  future. This book seems be picking off from that altitude and dives deeper into the arcane world of markets and debts. Initially the narration style of going along the path of fables and tales from the past, - notably from the Greek Mythology - finding parallels to explain the layman reader about the comple