
Showing posts with the label Chalukya

Deccan in Dazzling light

What Anirudh Kanisetti has Presented in his Magnum opus, “ Lords of the Deccan” is a dramatic and sensational narration that keeps you on the edge of your seat trying to finish the book at one go. Make no mistakes, Kanisetti is no academic Historian. He is a History writer who builds a chosen narration out of historical research by others. So it is natural it comes with a POV that is built on his interpretation and supposition. In this narration, Kanisetti purports to present a view on Medieval Deccan Powers, their rise, their expansion and their sunset. The Powers he means are the Chlaukyas and Rashtragudas. Every other Dynasty is presented from the viewpoint of the above mentioned Dynasties. He also Speaks about Cholas but about that, much later. So with that in mind, he sets out to outline the Rise of Vatapi Chalukyas, and their Conquests over Pallavas. The popular narrative of Narasimha Varma Pallava taking revenge on Pulikesin II and the Sacking of Vatapi after which popular narra