Federal Agency - An Inception

Just finished this.. What a thorough investigative reporting! Amazing how all the time we talk about the Holocaust, racism all in the context of Nazis and yet how much of that was lurking around on the so called "good side" is revealing. For all those who grew up reading fictional adventures from writers like Louis L'amour, making heros from the wild West, this is a rude awakening call. There were always heroic cowboys, gun toting Texas rangers, Sheriff's, fantasy characters like Tex Willer, etc. fighting the blood thirsty native Indians - always the crazy blood thirsty red Indian - in our fantasy world. This book shows the dark side of that. This is about how in early 20th century, just around the time Germany had lost the first world war and Hitler was planing his ascent, there were large scale, systematic murder of rich native Indians of Osage tribe, for gaining their share of the land and oil money by white Americans who were their friends, spouses, lawyers and ju...