
The wine from Gapes of Wrath

  “ЁЭРУЁЭРбЁЭРЮЁЭР▓ ЁЭРаЁЭРиЁЭРн ЁЭРнЁЭРи ЁЭРеЁЭРвЁЭРпЁЭРЮ ЁЭРЫЁЭРЮЁЭРЯЁЭРиЁЭРлЁЭРЮ ЁЭРнЁЭРбЁЭРЮЁЭР▓ ЁЭРЬЁЭРЪЁЭРз ЁЭРЪЁЭРЯЁЭРЯЁЭРиЁЭРлЁЭРЭ ЁЭРнЁЭРи ЁЭРЭЁЭРвЁЭРЮ.”   That is what John Steinbeck, the Iconic American Novelist wrote when he presented the vagaries of the migrant workers in his Pulitzer Prize winning work in 1939, "ЁЭСЗтДОЁЭСТ ЁЭР║ЁЭСЯЁЭСОЁЭСЭЁЭСТЁЭСа ЁЭСЬЁЭСУ ЁЭСКЁЭСЯЁЭСОЁЭСбтДО".   The book raised a storm in California whose backdrop he built the narrative. One County Banned the book for almost one and half year. But that neither stopped Steinbeck from becoming most celebrated writer in the United States nor the book from winning a Pulitzer and talking to the conscience of millions who read it even now.   Steinbeck did not spin it as a fiction out of thin air or Hearsay. He had done a series of trips and followed the lives of the migrant workers early ‘30s and based on which he had written a set of essays released in as “ЁЭСЗтДОЁЭСТ ЁЭР╗ЁЭСОЁЭСЯЁЭСгЁЭСТЁЭСаЁЭСб ЁЭР║ЁЭСжЁЭСЭЁЭСаЁЭСЦЁЭСТЁЭСа: ЁЭСВЁЭСЫ ЁЭСбтДОЁЭСТ ЁЭСЕЁЭСЬЁЭСОЁЭСС ЁЭСбЁЭСЬ ЁЭСбтДОЁЭСТ ЁЭР║ЁЭСЯЁЭСОЁЭСЭЁЭСТЁЭСа ЁЭСЬЁЭСУ ЁЭСКЁЭСЯЁЭСОЁЭСбтДО”. These Essays raise a very interesting and im

A walk too short

Generally Survivor stories have a charm that usually attracts me to them. That is how I landed in this book. This definitely has a charm and keeps you turning the pages. The story is definitely incredible. I am fine with the book and the interest it had gathered in the past considering this definitely as an interesting narration for a fiction, for a specific audience. However, when it is projected as a real life experience, I have certain apprehensions. First of all, what one notices is, this is told with a motive devoid of any personalization of People, Location and their Nativity. Even the Landscapes are glazed over without any particular detail. Intially, it was not that much noticeable when it went over the Siberian Snows, possibly because my connect with the landscape and its people is limited to those books I have read, which is woefully thin. Slowly when it moves across the Mangolian Plain and the Gobi desert, I feel a sense of unease slowly seeping in, as the narration brings p

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The art of silencing the Voices from the past

Michel-Rolph Trouillot was a Haitian American academic and anthropologist with a distinction for peeling untold narratives from popular history and explaining the mechanism of how that could be done. His works give voice to the voiceless.  The importance of this work from Trouillot is not in the history he is talking about, rather, in the explanation how history can be nuanced and been 'Managed' during the time it is created, recorded, and later interpreted. In fact, the history of Haitian freedom he is talking about, while introduces the finer points of the colonialism, freedom struggle from France and the racial fault lines that mad up the Black community, further goes on to explain how the process of creation, recording and interpreting history is inherently biased and needs re-reading of the proofs and contexts that were hidden either intentionally or unintentionally. "History is the fruit of power, but power itself is never so transparent that its analysis becomes sup